Three people discussing a VDC illustration.

Sustainability Governance

Sustainability work at NCC is governed by the Group’s sustainability framework as well as the Code of Conduct and other policies. NCC also supports several international initiatives and takes a stance on issues that are important to us. NCC believes that transparent reporting in this area provides added value for our stakeholders.

Our sustainability framework sets out NCC’s focus areas and has goals linked to each one, enabling us to make progress in line with our strategy and our vision.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

NCC presents our sustainability work in NCC’s annual report and on NCC’s website. Since 2010, NCC has reported on sustainability performance in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. GRI is an independent international organization that provides the world’s most widely adopted standard for reporting on and communicating sustainability. The box on the right shows NCC’s GRI Index, with references to where in the annual report data on each indicator can be found. Unless otherwise stated, the information refers to the entire NCC Group. Clarifying comments are also provided in the GRI Index for some indicators.

International principles

NCC complies with the UN Declaration on Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Rio Declaration including the precautionary approach, which means that NCC commits to take precautionary measures to minimize environmental risk. NCC combines audits conducted by its own staff with third-party audits conducted by consultants within the framework of the UN Global Compact and NCC’s membership in the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

ISO certificates

To see the certificates for the other countries where NCC operates, please go to the sustainability pages at, or