Press Releases
Press service tel: +46 858 519 00,
NCC signs agreement for interior of super hospital in North Zealand
NCC and the Capital Region of Denmark have signed a further agreement for the New North Zealand Hospital project. This contract pertains to the interior of the hospital and the order value is approximately SEK 940 million.
NCC to construct prison in Kristianstad
NCC, in collaboration with Intea and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, will construct a new prison and non-institutional care facility in Kristianstad. The prison and non-institutional care facility are part of Kristianstad’s new judicial center. The order is worth SEK 680 million.
Interim report for the fourth quarter and full-year 2021
Good operating profit and strong order backlog.
NCC to construct new healthcare block in Örebro
NCC has been commissioned by Länsgården Fastigheter AB to construct a new block comprising a healthcare center and residential care facility in Örebro. The project will be carried out in two phases with a total order value of approximately SEK 350 million.
Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding NCC Board of Directors
The Nomination Committee has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) the reelection of Alf Göransson as Chairman of the Board, and that the Board of Director should have six ordinary members. Viveca Ax:son Johnson has declined reelection. All other board members are proposed for reelection.