Our sustainability framework
NCC’s sustainability framework is the starting point for the Group’s sustainability work. In addition to the Group-wide sustainability targets, the business areas set their own business-specific sustainability targets.
NCC has a sustainability framework as the foundation for the Group’s work. This rests on a basis consisting of NCC’s core in the form of its purpose, values and desirable Star behaviors.

Impact areas
In addition to long-term economic value creation, we have seven further impact areas: Data and expertise, Natural resources and biodiversity, Materials and circularity, Climate and energy, Health and safety, People and team, and Ethics and compliance.
Data and expertise is a special impact area that is based on NCC’s purpose, being a knowledge-based company, whose mission is to take the customer through the complex construction process to a positive end-result for all stakeholders. Assigning resources and priority to collecting, using and developing expertise is therefore an impact area that has a value in itself for a knowledge-based company; meanwhile, it provides a basis for decision making and activities in the other six areas.
Three of the areas relates to environmental issues:
Two of the areas relate to important social dimensions:
One of the areas focuses on how the company conducts its operations: