Competition law

The construction industry must be subject to healthy competition, free from price fixing and cartel formation. NCC maintains a strong focus on the issue and works to ensure compliance in this area.

NCC competes forcefully in the marketplace to meet our customers' needs and enhance shareholder value. We do not enter into agreements or engage in activities that restrict competition. For example, we do not permit any form of anti-competitive behavior such as pricing collaboration, cartel building or abuse of its market dominance. We support appropriate and unrestricted competition with regard to bids, tenders, procurement and purchasing in all phases of its operations.

Practical guidelines – Competition law

  • I do not enter into any contracts with competitors without first having checked the situation with my business area’s legal counsel.
  • I never enter into any agreement concerning price fixing or market sharing. If I am asked to participate in such an agreement, I firmly reject the offer in a way that cannot be misunderstood. Leave the meeting, document the event and report it to your manager and your business area’s legal counsel.
  • I am particularly careful in my relationship with competitors.
  • I always make sure that all meetings are documented.
  • I am particularly careful if NCC holds a dominant position in any relevant market.
  • When in doubt, I turn to the Ask Me function for guidance.