The new Risenga High School in Asker, Norway. Photo: Robin Stenersen

Risenga High School, Asker

NCC Building is developing and building a high school and arts school for 540 students in Risenga, in the Greater Oslo municipality of Asker. The new school building will be constructed without the use of fossil fuels.

On Monday, May 9, Asker Municipality entered into a contract with NCC Building and NSW Arkitektur to develop and built its new high school and arts school in Risenga. NCC and NSW Arkitektur won the contract against strong competition from four other teams.

Close partnership with the municipality

The contract covers the development and construction of a new school building and cultural activity center for 540 students, spread over 6700 square meters and three floors, along with associated outdoor spaces and bike parking.

The project is being run as a turnkey contract with development and design work carried out in close partnership with the client, subcontractors and technical advisers, and it is worth NOK 163 million excluding VAT. Demolition of the old school will take place after the autumn holiday in 2018 and construction work will begin in early 2019, with completion scheduled for September 2020.

Fossil free

Risenga High School will be NCC Building’s first fossil free construction project. A fossil free construction site means that the site uses energy sources with zero carbon emissions. Plant and machinery on site must be electric or run on biodiesel. The same applies to heating and drying of the building, in the form of emission free site power.

In addition, the choice has been made to use geothermal heat pumps. Calculations have been performed in line with the energy requirements in the Norwegian regulations on technical requirements for construction works (TEK 17), and an A grade for energy profile and heating profile under the Energy Labeling Regulation (Energimerkeordningen) is within reach.

Building projects like this help NCC to meet its target of a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gases on its own construction sites.