Smart Choices
The sustainability challenges we are facing today demand new ways of doing things. Within the industry of aggregates and asphalt we can make a big difference. So, let’s talk about making Smart Choices together.
Do you want to make decisions that create good living conditions for us today, without endangering the living conditions of future generations? We do too. It’s a powerful driving force and together with you, our customers and stakeholders, we can develop solutions that make a difference. We can start by making some Smart Choices right now.
Our ambition
- Be an active part in changing the industry mindset
- Measure our progress to ensure continuous improvement
- Make Smart Choices in our work that create a better world
Smart Choices in practice
A Smart Choice needs to reduce the environmental impact in a life cycle perspective, reduce the negative impact of climate change or improve well-being during work or leisure.
Products and solutions within Smart Choices
At NCC, we work hard at reducing our industry's environmental footprint and to lead the way with long-term products and services. The foundation of Smart Choices can be found in the 6 focus areas of the NCC Sustainability Framework. We don’t have all the solutions. But we are eager to keep exploring them together with you. Let us present some of the results within the NCC stone materials and asphalt division:
NCC Smart Choices

CO2-reduced asphalt production
The emission of CO2 and other climate gases can be greatly reduced when producing asphalt by cutting the use of fossil fuels, optimizing energy and saving resources. NCC produce asphalt with the lowest impact on the environment.

Protect your shores with NCC Armour Stone
Do you need to resist the power of waves, rainfall or waterflow? When you build costal protection, quays, harbors, bridges, channels and roads by the sea, NCC Armour Stone helps you meet the challenge. Its high density adds durability and stability to your constructions.

Replace natural sand and gravel with NCC Machine Sand
Natural sand and gravel have been used for construction purposes for millennia. But we need to use this resource sparingly. Use NCC Machine Sand, made from rocks, instead. The product can achieve high quality, which means that the share of cement you need in concrete can be reduced.

Increased biodiversity thanks to NCC Kielo
NCC Kielo is all about maintaining and promoting biodiversity in our quarries and gravel pits. We systematically support, develop and enhance biodiversity both during operations and afterwards, in the rehabilitating phase. Giving back and leaving as little trace as possible.

Responsible Site
NCC Responsible Site is the way we describe our common foundation for sustainability efforts at all NCC’s worksites, regardless of country or type of business. The requirements for being an NCC Responsible Site not only relate to our own operations and staff, but to all the subcontractors who work for us at our sites.