
Through our research and innovation projects we want to develop expert knowledge within NCC, change the industry and support our continuous work to find the most sustainable solutions.

Many of our R&D-projects are done in collaboration with universities and colleges in the Nordic countries and Europe. We are an active partner in strategic innovation programs like Smart Built Environment, Infra Sweden and Re:Source. We are also part of ENCORD and other European networks. Innovation projects are run in cooperation with other organizations, often small companies or start-ups.

Smart construction for an affordable cost, with as minimized climate impact as possible and maximized social inclusion are important tasks for our future and we are doing all we can to improve construction methods, partnering processes and ways to lower the energy consumption in all parts of our projects.

Digitalization such as the use of artificial intelligence, robots and the collection of data; is another important area. This will make it possible for us to take data-informed decisions.

Innovation projects

The last years we have worked with digital innovations and a number of pilots have been run in our projects. The pilots have tested, among other things, digital twins and AI to improve health and safety.

We have also participated in projects where vehicles and machinery have been electrified. We have tested electric excavators up to 30 tons at a number of sites. The excavators have been either battery-driven or connected to the electricity grid by cable..