A look from below at the giant bows on Birkelandskrysset, Bybanen in Bergen.

Expertise in sustainability

Choosing NCC means choosing a partner with broad expertise in sustainability. NCC can provide a range of products, services, concepts and solutions in several different areas – including housing, infrastructure and road surfacing.

Expertise in technology and sustainability

NCC has nearly 400 specialists in technology and sustainability with cutting-edge skills in everything from construction and infrastructure design, fire safety design and environmental certifications to land remediation, damp-proofing, geotech, building frameworks and energy calculations.

Our work is grounded in a holistic perspective in which all three dimensions of sustainability – social, environmental and economic – interact in a fundamental way. For NCC, this involves working using the following approaches:

Process and planning

LCC (life cycle costing) and LCA (life cycle analysis) from the early planning phases are a must for creating decision support when selecting building products, systems and structures so that the focus shifts from costs alone to considering many years of use and operation. NCC Design is an example of a predesigned, systematic construction process that results in an acceptable price and energy use far better than average. By changing traditional work approaches, we have also developed pioneering solutions like NoDig pipe replacement, which saves resources and reduces transport over the entire life cycle.

NCC works in a way that gives everyone involved in the different construction phases plenty of opportunities to contribute ideas to the project and thus create total value for the developer. Partnering is a structured form of collaboration with an open dialogue and transparent environment that is ideal when several stakeholders are affected by a product, for example in the construction of schools and hospitals.

The surrounding environment

The development of society must take place in harmony with nature. Knowledge of soil and water environments, stormwater management, landscaping and climate change results in mindfully planned projects that provide value to society.

Structures and materials

NCC focuses on avoiding waste and on robust, long-term solutions. We gladly build flexible buildings and facilities that can be adapted as needed, or dismantled and reused in the future. We also develop new innovations, such as electrified roads and snow management. We can manufacture permeable asphalt that is adapted to climate change and can let heavy rains soak through, or prefabricated concrete that requires less material and transport. We are an industry leader in virtual design and construction (VDC), which reduces the risk of errors and overordering of materials. With our purchasing strategy, we also influence our suppliers’ supply chain.

Energy and water

Thanks to optimized and innovative solutions, NCC can minimize energy consumption for ventilation, heating, cooling and lighting in buildings. Our energy specialists are multi-award winning, which ultimately saves energy and reduces costs for our customers who manage and live in our buildings. In addition, we offer solutions that minimize water consumption and increase water quality. Our rental agreement is one example of NCC’s responsible resource management throughout the lifecycle, which means lower operating costs for the tenant. During the production phase, we use only renewable electricity and renewable fuels wherever possible.

Healthy environments and well-being

Healthy buildings are a prerequisite for a good quality of life. When NCC builds offices, we focus on creating a productive environment for the people who will work there. We also optimize the utilization of the building, which ensures a return on investment and good resale value. We can also build bicycle infrastructure in cities that encourage people to be active and install asphalt that does not release particles into the air.

Societal and cultural benefits

Construction creates frameworks for people’s lives and impacts several aspects of a local community. One way to understand social sustainability, which is a concern for people, is to divide it into three parts: labor, business and society. By involving both users and nearby residents in NCC’s projects during the planning and implementation phases, we build the foundation for lasting societal value. One example is NCC Folkboende, a housing product with low construction costs built by our local staff and subcontractors from the local community. Another example is renovation, a cost-effective solution based on the needs of tenants and the area.

Our way to help reduce climate impact is to get involved in driving the trend towards more energy-efficient buildings. Peter Sundqvist, Manager of Specialists Sustainability, Building Sweden

Learn more about how to set energy requirements

NCC has a great many tools and a broad knowledge base when it comes to designing energy-efficient buildings, but the customer’s ambitions and objectives always determine the final choice. NCC welcomes actions by property developers to exceed building code requirements. By setting higher energy requirements, we can reduce environmental impact and cut energy costs.

More extensive support on setting requirements can be found in the Sveby checklist for developers, a good starting point for energy requirements for buildings.

Do you know what energy performance levels you want to reach, and what impact this will have on future costs? Talk to NCC about which solution suits you best. We have extensive experience of analyzing these issues from the perspectives of energy, climate and profitability. With energy estimates that have been recognized as the best in the industry, we are confident that we can guide our customers to the right choice in energy-efficient buildings with low operating costs.