NCC to refurbish 184 rental apartments in Taastrup, Denmark

NCC will refurbish 184 rental apartments for KAB and the housing company AKB Taastrup in the Taastrupgaard residential district east of Copenhagen. The assignment is the first phase of a comprehensive refurbishment plan for the district. The order value is approximately SEK 400 million.

Image: Jonathan Grevsen

The refurbishment will both modernize and optimize the energy usage of the district, which is currently on the Danish government’s list of vulnerable residential districts. The project is the first of three phases that are planned for Taastrupgaard.

“We look forward to collaborating with NCC on the ambitious transformation of Taastrupgaard, which will bring the buildings up to a modern standard and make the area an attractive part of Høje-Taastrup’s new cultural district. For the residents of the area, this agreement with NCC is a crucial step toward realizing their desire for modern housing, with a high standard of living and a significantly lower carbon footprint,” says Jens Elmelund, CEO of KAB.

NCC’s assignment includes refurbishing and some remodeling of residential units, with a number of apartments being adapted for accessibility and converted into youth accommodation. The properties will receive upgrades including new facades, windows, doors, balconies, kitchens and floors. The outdoor environments will also undergo a complete upgrade.

“The major refurbishment and remodeling of Taastrupgaard will turn the residential units and their surroundings into a modern and attractive residential district. We have an experienced, close-knit work team on site that recently completed a major refurbishment project in Herlev. These experiences will be valuable in this assignment,” says Catarina Molén-Runnäs, Head of NCC Building Nordics.

The refurbishment will commence in September 2024 and is scheduled to be completed in late 2026.

The order value of about SEK 400 million will be registered in the NCC Building Nordics business area during the third quarter of 2024.

For further information, please contact:
Tove Stål, Head of Group External Relations NCC, +46 76 521 61 02,

NCC’s media line: +46 8 585 519 00,, NCC’s Mediabank

About NCC. NCC is one of the leading construction companies in the Nordics. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, NCC contributes to a positive impact of construction for its customers and society. Operations include building and infrastructure project contracting, asphalt and stone materials production, and commercial property development. In 2023, NCC had sales of about SEK 57 bn and 12,200 employees. NCC’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.