Press Releases
Press service tel: +46 858 519 00,
NCC to construct 75 apartments for Riksbyggen
NCC has been contracted by Riksbyggen to construct 75 apartments in the Getberget area of Skellefteå, Sweden. The order value is approximately SEK 175 million.
NCC to build 179 apartments for Niam in Turku
NCC has signed an agreement with Niam for the construction of three residential buildings with a total of 179 rental apartments in the Herttuankulma area of Turku in Finland. The order value is approximately SEK 240 million.
NCC to build 400 kV high-voltage power line in the Gothenburg area
Svenska kraftnät has contracted NCC to build a 400 kV overhead power transmission line, which will help to ensure electricity security in south-western Sweden. The project is a design-build contract in partnering form and the order value is approximately SEK 270 million.
NCC continues development of the Eastern Link in Luleå
Collaboration between NCC and Luleå Municipality will continue with a further expansion of the Eastern Link, which will secure the water supply for a growing Luleå. NCC has now been contracted to build Luleå’s largest wastewater pumping station (P040) and provide the water supply and sewerage infrastructure for the first and second phases of the Eastern Link. The order value is approximately SEK 160 million.
NCC to construct 143 apartments for the City of Helsinki
NCC has signed an agreement to construct 143 apartments in Laajasalo, Helsinki, on behalf of the housing department at the City of Helsinki, HATT. The order value is approximately SEK 300 million.
Changes to NCC’s Nomination Committee
Due to OBOS’ recently announced acquisition of shares in NCC, Trond Stabekk, Chief Financial Officer of OBOS, becomes a new member of NCC’s Nomination Committee. At the same time, Tobias Kaj, representing Lannebo Fonder, and Sussi Kvart, representing Handelsbanken Fonder, leaves the Nomination Committee due to previous ownership changes.
Buyback program completed - repurchase of NCC Series B shares in week 46, 2022
During the period November 14 – November 18, 2022, NCC (LEI-code 213800WRGLW3CY4MHW53) repurchased a total of 369,068 own Series B shares (ISIN: SE0000117970) under the framework of the repurchase program that the Board have decided. The buyback program that was initiated on May 11, 2022 is hereby completed as the maximum numbers of shares have been repurchased, a total of 10,077,740 series B shares, for a total amount of approximately SEK 1 billion.
NCC to build the Junkaremål school in Tranås
NCC, together with AB Tranåsbostäder, is building the new Junkaremål school in Tranås. The project is a turnkey contract in partnering form with an order value of approximately SEK 180 million. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place today, together with Tranås Bostäder and children from every grade of the school.
Repurchase of NCC Series B shares in week 45, 2022
During the period November 7 – November 11, 2022, NCC (LEI-code 213800WRGLW3CY4MHW53) repurchased a total of 489,795 own Series B shares (ISIN: SE0000117970) under the framework of the repurchase program that the Board have decided.
Repurchase of NCC Series B shares in week 44, 2022
During the period October 31 – November 4, 2022, NCC (LEI-code 213800WRGLW3CY4MHW53) repurchased a total of 396,278 own Series B shares (ISIN: SE0000117970) under the framework of the repurchase program that the Board have decided.