Press Releases
Press service tel: +46 858 519 00,
NCC divests new public properties project in Espoo
NCC is divesting the public properties project Cleantech Garden in Espoo, Finland, comprising approximately 13,750 square meters of lettable area for SEK 900 million. The buyer is Suohki, a social infrastructure company in Finland, wholly owned by Infranode. The City of Espoo will be the largest tenant in the property with a new school.
NCC to perform foundation work for double-track project in Bergslagen
NCC’s foundation engineering company Hercules has been commissioned by Infrakraft to perform extensive foundation work for the Swedish Transport Administration’s new double-track rail line for the Hallsberg-Stenkumla section. The order value is approximately SEK 210 million.
NCC and LKAB sign partnering agreement for new sorting plant in Gällivare
NCC and LKAB have entered into an additional partnering agreement for a development project in the Swedish Ore Fields (Malmfälten). The agreement relates to the construction of a new sorting plant at LKAB’s facility in Vitåfors, Gällivare. In the initial phase of the project, the parties will conduct planning and engineering work.
Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding Board of Directors of NCC AB for 2025
NCC’s Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of all Board members and the re-election of Alf Göransson as Chairman of the Board.
NCC to build school in Akaa, Finland
NCC has been commissioned by the City of Acka to build Toijala Primary School in Ackas, south of Tampere, Finland. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 150 million.