Press Releases
Press service tel: +46 858 519 00,
NCC to start two final projects at Nyköpings lasarett, Sweden
Region Sörmland has contracted NCC to refurbish and convert a total of five floors in two existing hospital buildings at Nyköping lasarett. The projects are the final two sub-projects of the strategic partnering arrangement between NCC and Region Sörmland. The total order value is approximately SEK 270 million.
NCC to build 276 student apartments in Uppsala
Uppsalahem has contracted NCC to build 276 student apartments in the Kåbo district of central Uppsala. The project is a turnkey contract with fixed price and the order value is approximately SEK 260 million.
NCC and Energinet secure energy supply in Copenhagen
On behalf of Energinet, NCC is to expand the electricity supply in Copenhagen, Denmark. The work relates to lay five new kilometer-long stretches of pipes and high-voltage cables in the areas of Nörrebro, Österbro, Amager and Gentofte. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 270 million.
NCC to build Drömfabriken in Skultuna, Sweden
NCC has been commissioned by the City of Västerås to construct Drömfabriken in Skultuna, Västerås. Drömfabriken will be a meeting place with a new school, library and after-school club. The project is a turnkey contract in partnering form with an order value of approximately SEK 340 million.
NCC to build Granåsen soccer hall in Trondheim
NCC has been commissioned by Trondheim Municipality to build Granåsen soccer hall in Trondheim, Norway. Construction will commence in June 2023 and is scheduled for completion in the end of 2024. The order value is approximately SEK 230 million.
NCC to refurbish county hospital in Trollhättan
NCC has signed an additional agreement with Västfastigheter for an assignment covering part of the refurbishment and expansion of the operation and surgery ward at Northern Älvsborg County Hospital (NÄL) in Trollhättan. The order value is approximately SEK 150 million.
NCC to convert Spritfabriken in Eslöv, Sweden, into residential units and offices
In collaboration with Eslövs Bostads AB (Ebo), NCC is to construct residential units and offices in the former distillery (Sw: spritfabrik) in Eslöv, Sweden. The project will strive to reuse as much existing material as possible. In the first phase, the parties have jointly planned and budgeted the project and performed preliminary earthworks, demolition and an inventory of material for reuse. Now the project is transitioning to the construction phase. The order value is approximately SEK 320 million.
Change in the number of NCC shares
In accordance with the resolution at the Annual General Meeting on March 31, 2023, NCC has cancelled 8,674,866 own Series B shares previously repurchased by the company.
Interim report for the first quarter 2023
Good orders received in all business areas.
Invitation to presentation of NCC’s interim report for the first quarter 2023
NCC’s interim report for the first quarter 2023 will be published on Wednesday April 26, 2023. The report will be distributed and published on NCC’s website at, or around, 7:10 a.m. CEST.