NCC's modernization project completed – Avicii Arena now opens

At the beginning of 2024, NCC and the property owner SGA Fastigheter (Stockholm City) began the modernization of Avicii Arena, Stockholm Globe Arena, in central Stockholm. The arena is the world’s largest spherical building, and all solutions, processes, and materials have been customized. In January, the modernization was completed, and on February 1, the first public event will be held in the newly renovated Avicii Arena.

– In January 2024, NCC received the keys to Avicii Arena. It has been an intense and exciting year, characterized by creativity and great commitment. In collaboration with SGA Fastigheter and together with international experts and specialists, we have modernized this unique building, says Harald Stjernström, Project Manager, NCC Building Sweden.

NCC's task has been to construct an entirely new structure inside the arena—a ring—above the arena’s equator. This structure supports a new retractable inner roof, which enhances acoustics, intimacy, and atmosphere within the arena. The construction also allows for productions that require additional rigging possibilities. NCC has also renovated parts of the stands, bringing the audience closer to the ice, stage, or playing field. The existing red seats have been carefully dismantled, with many either already repurposed or set to be reused within the city of Stockholm. In their place, new dark gray seats have been installed. The upper, third tier has been newly built and now houses some of the best seats in the arena.

In January 2025, the keys were returned to the property owner, SGA Fastigheter, who in turn has handed over the arena to the tenant, Stockholm Live, which will host the first event in the modernized arena on February 1.

– What a year and what a journey! This modernization project is truly one of a kind. Avicii Arena is a very special building, and we have worked with a challenging timeline and unique solutions for most of the tasks we have carried out. Together with SGA Fastigheter, we have successfully modernized a world-class arena, says Matti Virkki, Representative, NCC Building Sweden.