Strengthened brand for NCC in the media
NCC has strengthened its external footprint in the media with more news, an increased share of positive articles, and greater visibility for its focus areas. These are the main results in an analysis by media monitoring firm Retriever, conducted between 2014 and 2017.
“NCC has had a very good performance trend in the media over the years. This is a result of consistent proactive media efforts within NCC’s focus areas as well as clear and transparent communication as regards to challenges the company is facing,” says Nerma Klicic, analyst at Retriever.
Since 2014, the first year with comparable figures, the number of articles in the Group increased by nearly 20 percent in both digital and print media. NCC’s visibility in the articles have increased and an increasing share of the articles are positive or neutral according to Retriever.
“It is gratifying to see that NCC is portrayed so well in the media, both as regards our own industry and in comparison with others. Interest is particularly great in our partnering deals, our digital solutions, our start-up Loop Rocks, work place safety and our sustainable solutions,” says Anna Trane, Head of Corporate Media Relations at NCC.
The share of positive articles has increased steadily constituting alongside neutral publicity 95 percent of NCC’s total penetration for 2017. This took place during a year with some challenges for NCC.