General Shareholders' Meeting
The procedures for notifying shareholders of General Meetings are stipulated in the Articles of Association.
Notice of meetings shall be made in the form of an announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and at this website. Announcement that notice convening a General Meeting has been issued shall be made in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be issued not earlier than six weeks and not later than four weeks prior to the Meeting.
General Meetings may be held in the municipalities of Stockholm, Solna or Sigtuna. At General Meetings, shareholders may be accompanied by not more than two advisors, on condition that the shareholder has given the Company prior notice of this.
Ownership structure and voting rights
NCC shares are issued in two series, designated Series A and Series B shares. Each Series A share carries ten votes and each Series B share one vote. All of the shares carry identical rights to participation in the Company’s assets and profits and identical entitlement to dividends
On request, Series A shares may be converted into Series B shares. A written conversion request must be submitted to the Company’s Board, which makes continuous decisions on such matters. Following a conversion decision, the matter is reported to Euroclear Sweden AB for registration. Conversions become effective when the shares are registered.