NCC introduces digital site introductions

Information to suppliers/partners/clients who are active at NCC’s sites. You who receive this information are listed as the contact person in NCC's supplier register for Swedish projects.

This information complements prior information, sent in February 2022, that NCC is introducing a new routine for site introductions.

Implementation will begin in June 2022 and thereafter all NCC's production sites will gradually transition to digital introductions as new projects and workplaces start up. You will receive detailed information directly from NCC's production management when it is time for each site to switch to the new way of working.

Digital introduction before arrival

The site introduction is completed digitally before arrival. It consists of a general training course covering NCC’s health and safety regulations, which needs to be completed once a year, and a specific training course relating to the site in question. The general training course applies to all NCC sites, which will make it easier for people moving between multiple sites.

How will those of you working with NCC be affected? 

This will mean some changes for you as a supplier/partner/client, for example: 

  • All persons who will be working with production at NCC sites, i.e. on construction and civil engineering projects or stone and asphalt operations, need to complete a training course and site introduction digitally before their arrival at the site.
  • As a supplier/partner/client of NCC, you will receive a digital invitation with a link to the site introduction and are responsible for distributing it to all individuals (your employees and subcontractors) who will be working at the NCC site.
  • The agreements you sign with NCC will stipulate compliance with NCC’s new routine for site introduction.
  • All parts of the NCC site introductions are stored as certificates in the ID06 Competence Database and is preceded by an individual consent to store information. Here are instructions on how to give consent.
  • Mer information och steg-för-steg-guider, både för dig som ansvarig och för slutanvändare, hittar du på
  • More information and step-by-step guides, both for you as the person in charge and for end users, you will find at and
Employees at the water tower in Helsingborg, Sweden