NCC Green Industry Transformation

In 2024, NCC established a new business area, NCC Green Industry Transformation. This business area consolidates resources and expertise to execute large projects related to the green industrial transformation in the Nordics. The buildup is gradual and in line with the signing of projects and agreements.

The business area consists of specialists from all parts of NCC, from infrastructure to HR and project planning, as well as externally recruited experts. The project portfolio mainly includes large, complex projects with new technology that are based on the green industrial transformation. NCC's other business areas will continue to focus on their respective core businesses. Additionally, NCC Green Industry Transformation will support industry players in their green transition. Financially, the business area will be reported under the segment Other for the time being.

NCC are experts in enabling and managing megaprojects, i.e., projects that are so large and complex that there are no standard solutions. At the same time, it is the solutions with which we realize these projects that will change society. The challenge is clear. And we need more people who want to take it on with us. Are you interested in working with the green transition in NCC's new business area?

We continuously publish available positions, you can find them through this link.