Mega infrastructure projects
NCC has the capability to develop and manage mega infrastructure projects around the Nordic region. Together we can build the infrastructure of tomorrow.
NCC has the capacity for mega projects
Mega projects require
- Reliable execution with minimal disruptions
- Key personnel with experience of large infrastructure projects
- Specialist resources
- Wide network of partners and consultants
- Partnering for an innovative, effective and safe project
NCC has a solid track record of the really large infrastructure projects all over the Nordic countries. With NCC you get a strong partner with experience of partnering in the early stages, effective project management and innovative solutions - all success factors in mega projects.
Overall responsibility for infrastructure projects
These days, being on the contractor’s team in a large infrastructure project places high demands on skills in a variety of areas: co-operation, design, purchasing, technology, digitalization, sustainability, finance, HR, project management, various contract forms and much more. The ability to envision opportunities and take full responsibility is crucial.
Why partnering?
Through partnering in the early stages of a project, we can use skills optimally in the project, reduce risk and increase productivity. In complex infrastructure projects, it is without a doubt a strength to be an industry leader in construction partnering. Many of the large projects we’ve been involved in have been completed ahead of schedule and under budget, which serves as proof that good partnering brings about good results.
Nothing will develop your skills as much as a mega project. Working in a complex setting will expose you to challenges that do not arise in smaller projects, your skills will be sharpened and you will most certainly grow personally.Per Kinell, Project Manager, E05 Korsvägen, Sweden
A life cycle perspective for road and rail
We think it is important to maintain a life cycle focus when developing the final product. That is why we are convinced that the most innovative, efficient and sustainable solutions are created in collaboration. This applies to everything from technical solutions and how we minimize disruptions to various forms of collaboration and operation.
At NCC, we work systematically with creating a safe working environment. NCC has a zero vision for worksite accidents. Our great focus on safety guides the actions of the entire group and forms an important part of our sustainability efforts. It also guides us in our approach to meeting safety requirements and understanding how we impact the environment close to our worksites. For us, a life cycle focus means considering social, economic and environmental parameters.