Time Out
No one is perfect. So let’s help each other. If you think we are falling short of a safe work environment in any way, speak up, and take Time Out!
Time Out in a Nutshell
1. React if you come across an unsafe situation
2. Act by contacting your manager
3. Take Time Out!
4. Report, discuss and find solutions
5. Make things safe
6. Continue working under safe conditions
The purpose of Time Out is to motivate managers and workers to develop a safety culture that is honest and open, by actively encouraging and supporting everyone who reacts to unsafe behaviors or working practices and takes action. The goal is to create a strong safety culture, where everyone reacts and acts when they encounter unsafe situations.
It should feel wrong NOT to react and act when we see something risky in our workplaces.Lars-Gunnar Larsson, Health and Safety Manager
Everyone who works on an NCC site has a responsibility to help create and maintain a safe work environment.
The management has a particular responsibility to create interest and involvement in the work with NCC’s safety culture. It is up to the site manager to ensure that Time Out is used on site.